“Man’s refinement is the goal, and the inner teaching
of all the faiths aims at this.”

Hazrat- e-Sultan, Peer-e- Turkistan, Hazrat Khawaja Ahmad Yassavi, Founder, Yassavi Sufi Order (Silsila)

Yasawi Foundation is a sustained effort to bring these jewels of spiritual knowledge to the modern world, which is in dire need of inner peace.

Welcome to Yasawi Foundation

Yasawi Foundation is a non profit, non commercial organization founded to promote research and aesthetic development in the Sufi world heritage. The organization is based on the ideology of Khawaja Ahmad Yasawi, who was a pioneer of popular mysticism in Central Asia.
Khawaja Ahmad Yasawi founded the Yasaviyya order, which spread quickly over the Turkic-speaking areas. Yasawi Foundation endeavors to understand and disseminate Sufi philosophy as enunciated by spiritual leaders and thinkers.It has been active in promoting excellence in research through Sufi history, literature, art and music.
Yasawi Foundation has been attached with many programs and research studies for the proper dissemination and preservation of mystical studies enveloping Central Asia. The Foundation intends to use its extensive research data and archives to create an institutionalized approach towards pursuing systematic studies in the field of Sufism.
Founded to inculcate the true message of peace,love, brotherhood and unity in a world which is crumbling to chaos and hatred, Yasawi Foundation focuses on finding the common links in various cultures, and emphasizing the need to promote them in modern times.
Yasawi Foundation establishes and promotes linkages among various areas through evolution of Sufism and its contribution to the larger composite identity of cultural heritage of the world. It provides for organizing conferences for carrying out research or study in furtherance of the objectives of the organization.

Dedicated to Sufism


Yasawi Foundation endeavors to upgrade and enrich the consciousness of people about Sufism, its contribution to world heritage, and its deep relevance to modern times. This has to be done through research and simultaneous dissemination of Sufi philosophy, as enunciated by spiritual thinkers across the time. The true mission for any soul is to realize that they are consciousness exploring a physical experience that is evolving. Our mission is to create balance, above and below, within and without, by healing & helping others.



A forum which promotes excellence in research in higher education through Sufi history, literature, art and music, thereby understanding and highlighting the common ground of diverse streams of Sufi thought, make efforts to frame special programs for the preservation and enhancement of Sufi philosophy. We envision a world which is transformed through shared spiritual awakening achieved by creating opportunities for education, celebration, meditation, prayer and service.